A Legacy minded focus
At Elevatus, we’re skilled, knowledgeable navigators of federal budgeting processes, federal acquisition processes, knowing how to handle everything from task orders, to multiple-award task-order contracts, to design-build contracts, and beyond, proficient at responding to federal RFPs, adept at putting together winning teams of contractors, consultants, and other professionals with experience in government projects, wise in the ways of small-business set-asides, mentor-protégé relationships, answering Sources Sought contract opportunities, and shaping the process necessary to acquire any project at the federal level, proficient in handling USACE, NAVFAC, and FBOP processes for acquisition and completion, including, for example, DrChecks and SpecsIntact, fully attuned to military culture, the relationship between the branches of service and various military organizations, including civilian support staff, and what’s required to complete work for military clients on military bases.