News & Blog

photo of exterior
Aug 20

Bringing a Vision to the Region: DeKalb County

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Making a positive impact within a city will help create a stronger region. Elevatus Architecture has conducted a series of projects that have helped uplift life in DeKalb, and specifically Auburn, Indiana. This historic town holds cheerful value as the people who make it are what brings great attitude to…

person sitting in chair looking out window
Aug 14

The Value of Your Time and Energy

Noel Winters's Author Photo
Noel Winters

What is your time worth? Do you value the time you spend with friends and family or do you feel a sense of accomplishment after mowing the yard? There is a cost and a value to your time in many aspects of your life. How you prioritize your time and…

image of a building's exterior
Aug 10

DeKalb County Community Corrections Center

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

The DeKalb County Community Corrections Center was completed in the winter of 2020. This 18,500+ sq. ft. facility will serve the Community Corrections needs of the county aimed at helping offenders to get back into a more productive society. Working with the County and the Community Corrections Department, the program…

Public Safety Academy of Northeast Indiana Exterior
Aug 07

Public Safety Academy of Northeast Indiana

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

The Fort Wayne Public Safety Academy of Northeast Indiana includes the relocation of the State-certified and recognized Fire and Police Academies, the Fort Wayne Public Safety Foundation and training programs for other frontline emergency services, anti-terrorism and business personnel.

image of building
Jul 21

Elevatus Architecture Celebrates Five Years Since Rebrand

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Elevatus Architecture has marked their 5th anniversary since the rebrand of SchenkelShultz Architecture – Fort Wayne. As a strong business in the Midwest, their work portfolio covers significant public and private projects that help design greater communities. Their business model is about putting people first, resulting in hiring technical talent…