News & Blog

Jan 31

Bashor Children’s Home

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Bashor Children’s Home is a not-for-profit child welfare agency affiliated with the United Methodist Church providing services to at-risk children for Elkhart County and throughout the state of Indiana.  Bashor provides residential care, alternative education, and a variety of community-based services to children between 5 and 20 years old.  Bashor…

an aerial photo of the Marion County Jail
Jan 24

Marion County Adult Detention Center

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

The Adult Detention Center at the Marion County Community Justice Campus (CJC) is a 3,039 permanent bed facility.  This transformative campus will house a variety of functions and facilities. As part of the team with Hunt Construction, Elevatus Architecture designed the Book-In Processing area with individual cells and group holding…

Jim Kelley Career Pathway Center
Jan 24

Jim Kelley Career Pathway Center

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

For too long, young people in northeast Indiana have faced a narrow path to success—one that often seemed to begin and end with college. But not every student’s future follows the same route. The Jim Kelley Career Pathway Center changes the conversation, opening doors to careers in skilled trades and…

three separate images that are shaped like triangles
Jan 11

Q&A With Newly Registered Architects

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Becoming a Licensed Architect requires serious dedication and commitment. Architects Josh Kasper, AIA, Jen Snell, AIA, and Sam Schaust, AIA answer a few questions following obtaining their new credentials. What steps did you take throughout your testing process? JK: I had to make studying a priority and as a result…

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Dec 29

Life is What You Make of It. Here we come, 2022.

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

As we look to conclude this calendar year, our hearts cannot be more grateful for the moments we’ve spent together as a company. We create a positive culture that fosters growth by taking time to give back, putting forth boundless energy in our pursuits, and serving our clients well. A…

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Dec 22

Elevatus Announces Three New Registered Architects

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

The team at Elevatus Architecture is elated to announce that Jennifer Snell, AIA, Joshua Kasper, AIA, and Sam Schaust, AIA, are now all Licensed Architects. They all have completed the registration requirements for the State of Indiana. Jennifer Snell, AIA, has been with Elevatus Architecture since June 2018. Her project…