News & Blog

Oct 13

Elevatus Architecture Hires Dave Rivera

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Growing architecture firm onboards recent Ball State grad  The team at Elevatus Architecture is pleased to announce Dave Rivera as a new addition to the firm. Dave recently graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor of Architecture degree and is working towards being a licensed architect within the next…

Sep 16

Levan R. Scott Academy

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

The goal of creating an addition to the existing Levan R. Scott Academy was to expand student capacity to meet the needs of a growing student body. Elevatus Architecture and the construction manager were hired to more than double the existing building’s square footage on the school’s property to facilitate…

an image of Brownfield High School
Sep 14

Brownfield High School

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Known for its Friday Night Lights, Texas is considered the capital of football–the number one state pastime. In contrast, is the small west Texas town of Brownfield, not known for football, but instead highly regarded for its elite basketball programs. The high school has produced many winning seasons and student…

Sep 02

Architectural Acoustic Design Series: Part 1

Karla Buchan's Author Photo
Karla Buchan

When someone mentions acoustics, what usually comes to mind? Musical? Performing arts? Noise?  Often, when we think of acoustics, we think of how sound reverberates through a performance space to either enhance or impede the listener’s experience, how loud an environment feels, or the lack of appropriate sound in an…

Aug 24

Roberto Medina Joins Elevatus Architecture

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Recent Ball State grad has strong ambitions in world of architecture Elevatus Architecture is excited to welcome Roberto Medina to the team. A recent graduate from the College of Architecture and Planning at Ball State, Roberto served on the executive board for Ball State’s chapter of the American Institute of…

Aug 22

Amp Lab at Electric Works

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

Fort Wayne Community Schools desired to be a part of the Electric Works Innovation District by integrating key project-based learning programs within the district and capitalizing on opportunities to have students and faculty work side-by-side with area innovators, corporate leaders, and institutional backers.  FWCS worked with Elevatus Architecture to design…