Elevatus welcomes new BIM Technician Joshua Jones

When we ask new employees to share something interesting about themselves, we get all sorts of responses. Everyone’s got a story, after all.
The answer Joshua Jones gave was straight out of history book. It turns out, the new Elevatus BIM Technician has roots – DEEP roots – in the early western frontier.
“I am a direct descendant of the original pioneer families of Missouri via the Boone family,” Joshua explains.
That’s Daniel Boone, the historic American frontiersman who led settlers through Kentucky then across the Mississippi River into the west. He settled in what would become Missouri, where he lived out his life.
How’s that for heritage?
For a little culture, though, Joshua turned to Elevatus.
“I learned about Elevatus on LinkedIn,” he says. “What sold me on Elevatus was the culture among the team. I have been looking for a culture such as Elevatus for some time.”
Joshua has more than 20 years of experience in the industry, including Architecture as well as Structural, MEP, Mining, and mechanical design. He is a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, an Excel and Tableau expert, and he’s proficient in VBA and SQL languages.
Joshua finds passion in problem solving, and purpose in the project.
“At the end of the day, when that structure comes to life and you know, I had something to do with that, that’s what I love,” he says.
Joshua first found his love for design in a 7th grade shop class. He worked on a CO2 car, and had to draw the 3 main views of it.
That’s all it took.
“From that moment I was hooked and knew I would design one day,” he recalls.
Now Joshua will explore his own frontier with Elevatus.
Elevatus: What’s something interesting about you?
Joshua Jones: I used to do open mic night stand-up comedy.
E: What do you like to do for fun?
JJ: My son and I like to run our RC cars and drones, and we cheer for the Kansas City Chiefs.
E: What’s your favorite color?
JJ: Blues or silvers.
E: If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?
JJ: My first purchase would be investments, but my first big lottery spend would be wooded acreage.