A Holistic Approach to Engage Others

group of young people working together

Let me just begin with saying, until you are challenged to try something new, the opportunity sometimes looks a little daunting if you have become complacent in your daily life.

When approached to write a blog for our company website, I was both excited and a little nervous. I don’t consider myself old, (but then do you ever?) but I am definitely more of a read a paper or magazine person. I have transitioned to the newspaper online, but I still like to flip through the pages of a magazine and rip out any good recipes or articles. So, I’m going to give this blogging a shot – bear with me.

In this fast pace world that we live in everyday, it is nice to take the opportunity to connect with others when the opportunity presents itself. For instance, greeting others with hello or good morning with a smile on your face seems to make others smile. If you say, hello while scanning your phone, you kind of miss the simplicity of spreading joy.

If an individual replies, “what is so good about it?”, you can chalk it up that they woke up on the wrong side of the bed or take the opportunity to see if you can lend an ear to listen. Sometimes, people just need to get what is bothering them off their chest and can move on with their day.

When working as a team, I find listening to others’ ideas provides valuable perspective. A fresh approach can be embraced and welcomed if looking for change. Simply acknowledging one’s ideas may create enthusiasm and challenge them to dive in and take ownership.

Collaborating seems to be a great opportunity to engage with others. Communication allows offering ideas, problems, and solutions to determine the best approach to the issue at hand.

If you feel like you are unable to communicate or engage with an individual, try to address the issue directly. Try to set a time to meet at the end of the day to speak together in a neutral location or conference room. You may find out they misunderstood something that was said or done or vice versa. Be direct but considerate. The idea is to determine what the issue is and figure out how to work through it. It is possible the person is going through something and they aren’t aware of their shortcomings. It may also be that you take things to heart and the other person meant nothing by what was said or done. Once you both acknowledge the issue, then you can process a solution.

You don’t have to be a great communicator to start engaging others. Something as simple as complimenting their stylish outfit or hair, adds a little spring to their step! Offer to grab a coffee or lunch and see what friendship develops.

Keep in mind that everyone brings value and your willingness to accept a smile may be the first step to a great friendship!

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